What I Teach
Carl Jung taught us that emotion, thought, intuition and sensation are the four functions of the Soul. I use Modeling & Simulation to teach The Art & Anatomy of Soul which includes The Holistic Thinking Manifestation Process aka The DMT Coaching Model. This method is based on Holistic Thinking per the realization that Soul, (the “part” of us that was made in the image of God) is actually a system. A system is a group of parts that work together to achieve a single goal. The #1 rule of modeling is if you can figure out a systems feedback loops then you can master the system. Three key factors in any system are:
- What is the overall common goal of the system?
- What role does each part play in the system? and
- How do the parts interact with each other?
figure 01
Sacred Wombs
The Vesica Piscis is the womb-like shape associated with every creator within our being. This is God’s “sacred space” or where God dwells within us. This secret shape reveals our Inner G; Inner God, Goddess or the divine within us all aka Soul. Soul is the creator of our reality…
The voice speaks things into existence, consciousness because what we focus on grows and the body through physical labor. Since a system is defined as multiple parts that work together to achieve a single goal, by nature Soul is a system. What’s more? Sacred Geometry is the study of the meaning of Shapes. The name Vesica Piscis translates to almond shape and in Sacred Geometry it is known as the “womb of creation.” It’s formed from two circles that overlap in the center like a Venn diagram. The two circles represent two wholes; masculine energy and feminine energy, which unite to create form. This union of opposites marks the creator. You have an inner voice and an outer voice, in addition to our two eyes we have an internal third eye, our DNA holds genetic information from both mom and dad and as previously stated the womb is where masculine and feminine energies unite to create form.
figure 02
The Art & Anatomy of Soul
Modeling & Simulation (M&S) is used to study the behavior of systems. Popular Music’s VCB form can be used as a simulation of Soul and the process or art of manifesting our dreams, while the Dream Music Trinity is a model of Soul that literally draws the analogy between song and Soul using Sacred Geometry .
Essentially, Music stands for My Understanding of Soul Is Consciousness and My Underlying Spirit Is Creation because Soul is a system of consciousness that creates our dreams into harmony and maintains harmony with our desired reality using feedback loops (see figure 03). Feedback loops are how bodies create and maintain homeostasis, how ecosystems create and maintain equilibrium and how Soul creates and maintains harmony. All of which are systems designed to satisfy their own desires. The Art & Anatomy of Soul demonstrates this using Soul in ratio to a song and manifesting in ratio to music, but not just any song and not just any music; Popular Music’s (not to be confused with Pop Music) VCB form, which is a song structure that consists of an Instrumental, Verse, Chorus and Bridge. This song structure has been used universally in the mainstream since the 1970’s only second to its original, VC form. The premise here is that if global marketers are able to exploit these feedback loops to drive consumer behavior and control the masses, then we too can learn to use them to influence our own lives in massive ways. What we’ll come to understand is how Voice Consciousness and Body loop us to our Intents. The Art & Anatomy of Soul teaches us the parts of Soul aka consciousness, the locales, functions/expressions of each part, the element that correlates to it and how they can help us tune up, plus the distinctions of each part and how to unlock the fifth function, steel or stillness.
figure 03
Feedback Loops
Soul is a system of consciousness that creates our reality using feedback loops. A feedback loop is a type of system structure designed to feedback into itself, meaning that its output returns as input forming a circuit or loop. Think “what goes around comes around.” or “you get back what you put in.” In other words, Soul is a karmic structure…
Karma is a natural law that governs everything in the universe or a universal law that governs everything natural or in nature. Another name for it is The Law of Cause and Effect, which simply states that for every cause there is an effect. In a feedback loop there is a chain of cause and effect that circles back around to its point of origin, the bridge returns to the chorus. Here’s where it gets juicy. There are 4 primary parts to every feedback loop; a stimulus, sensor (receptor), control center (integrator) and an effector. A stimulus is an initial disturbance that causes imbalance in a system. The sensor detects change and monitors the system then reports data to the control center. The control center measures the desired value of the system to the current value and determines a course of action. Finally, the effector is signaled by the control center to perform the necessary action to either reinforce the initial stimulus or oppose it. According to the laws of modeling, if you can figure out a systems feedback loops you can control the system. Systems thinking is a holistic perspective that teaches us how to identify feedback loops by asking ourselves questions like what is the overall function of the system?, what role does each part play in the system? and how does each part interact with each other?
figure 04
Negative Feedback Loop
The difference between the present state and the desired state create a gap. The gap signals for action. The action contributes to the present state and the present state reduces the gap.
Buddha said that desire is the root of all suffering. What Buddha was expressing is a negative feedback loop. When we have a desire it means that what we want and what we have are no longer in sync. The difference between the two states create a gap that we feel within and often refer to as a void or emptiness, but even the desire to eradicate desire is a desire, so how do we escape the loop in order to experience fulfillment? Presence. As defined by Eckhart Tolle, “the state of consciousness and awareness of now.” It’s a declarative act or aligned action as far as Soul is concerned. Since the goal of a negative feedback loop is to maintain harmony with the set point assuming that the set point is the desired state, then the value of the present state must be readjusted to meet the value of the desired state. When we are living in the now both states are aligned. Not to say that we can’t have other desires or any desire, in order to create or maintain harmony, but it does need to be contained. Every variable has a normal range for which it is allowed to travel away from its set point. After which, the system becomes unbalanced. Remembering that only harmony attracts our dreams and that the discomfort caused by the difference in value between the desired state and the present state is meant to propel us in to taking aligned action to bridge the gap. By practicing presence, this act counterbalances the initial disturbance (influx of emotion due to craving) and summons space within us to allow our desires to flow through. Whereas, reinforcing the disturbance (the state of wanting) summons an abyss, as a declaration of absence and lack. Thus is the power of I am. Buddha as well as so many other enlightened beings were able to escape the loop of suffering not by denying themselves of desire, but by realizing the process is the goal.
figure 05
Positive Feedback Loop
A Positive Feedback Loop is marked by and promotes rapid growth, rapid decline or uncontrollability. In this loop, the initial stimuli is increased or enhanced.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your values and your values become your destiny.” -Ghandi
What Ghandi described is an event within a positive feedback loop. A positive feedback loop usually occurs when something needs to happen quickly. It reinforces the stimulus, moving a system away from its set point, until an end is reached, which brings it back into harmony. Reprogramming our subconscious works in this way. The process of using affirmations, visualizing, raising our vibration and taking aligned action relies on a positive feedback loop to overthrow our subconscious programming in order to create a new reality. Belief is a thought amplified through reinforcement. Positive feedback loops create our beliefs and our beliefs create our reality. Positive feedback loops are also known as Reinforcing loops essentially because the increase of stimulus doesn’t always mean good, since it can create virtuous and viscous cycles.
Stimulus- You have a strong feeling or an influx or spike of emotion out of your normal range of feeling
Variable- Suddenly a new thought, a conviction arises or you get a light bulb idea
Sensor- The observer, pure consciousness detects a shift in frequency and sends a signal to the control center
Control Center- Intuition devises a plan to integrate the new frequency and sends signals to the body (effector)
Effector- The body follows intuitive cues and gut feelings into action
Response- Intuitive guides continue to provide more support, insight and evidence. Coincidences and manifestations began to appear.
Endpoint- Until, a new reality sets in that fully backs your conviction and your emotions settle.