Life Coach
Life coaching is a series of sessions constructed on proven mental models designed to help you reach goals and find solutions in your personal or professional sectors.
In addition to the foundational education that all life coaches receive, transformation life coaches are trained to help you reprogram your subconscious mindset too. We can assist you with identifying emotional blocks, cognitive distortions and blind spots that cause stagnation in your success.
Overall, when you enter a coaching agreement you are establishing an accountability partnership that offers you support, guidance and advanced tools to move you forward in life.
- Gain Clarity
- Grow Your Mindset
- Increase Productivity
- Overcome Blocks & More...
Packages & Pricing
Life coaching can be applied to any area of your life where you desire growth (within yourself, relationships or work). 1:1 sessions are held 1-2 times per week via zoom or phone call depending on the clients specific needs. On average the duration of each session is 20mins up to 40mins. Some benefits of these sessions may include: clarity, vision, goal setting, productivity, accountability, process emotions, resolution, self awareness, motivation, strong mindset and mental or emotional unblocking.

Inner Child Healing


Personal Development

Romantic Relationships
Transformation Life Coaching
Wholeness | Joy | Harmony | Flow-
3 Month Package
6 Month Package
12 Month Package
The DMT Coaching Model
Designed to create more harmony, joy, flow and wholeness where you desire to have success.
The instrumental begins and underlies every song. It is a set beat pattern. Our intentions are set behavioral patterns of the voice, consciousness and body formed by the subconscious mindset. What is your intention for our coaching session?
The Chorus is the part of the song we focus on most. It is also called “The Hook” Consciousness is focus. What we focus on anchors us to our reality. What is your current situation?
A song has up to 3 verses. Your 1st voice is your external voice to speak things into existence. Your 2nd voice is your inner voice, follow your intuition and if the third verse is typically a feature then your third voice is family, friends or a professional coach for positive reinforcement. Who supports your dreams?
This is the part of the song that shifts. Also known as the break because the beat breaks down. The body moves / takes action and is the part of us that creates the illusion of separation. This is the paradigm shift where you are breaking away from old patterns. How will you take harmonious action toward your dreams?