Who is Jean Baudrillard?
Jean Baudrillard was an author and French philosopher, but more importantly The Godfather of The Matrix. Creators of The Matrix, the Wachowski brothers loved his philosophy so much they made it into a movie which featured his book, Simulacra and Simulation in one of the opening scenes. Baudrillard theorized The Post Modern Era (the current age we are living in), characterizing it mainly by the following words and phrases:
- simulacra – a copy that no longer resembles the thing it was made to represent, but nevertheless replaces it
- simulation – the reconstruction oof reality made up of copies that imitates copies instead of an original
- the precession of simulacra – when representations take priority over there originals
- the 4 stages of simulacra – a profound reality, the denature of a profound reality, asking the absence of a profound reality and the order of simulation
- the map and the territory – an allegory of simulation where the cartographers of a territory draw up a map so detailed it covers the land it was made to represent
Unsatisfactory Representations
Despite seriously struggling to read Simulacra and Simulation I felt called to play around with Baudrillard’s theories a bit. I applied it to the areas of my life where I felt I’d encountered the most unsatisfactory representations of reality, which were language and entertainment. In this article we will focus on language.
The Law o f Polarity states that opposites exist in everything, so if language possesses the power to allow us to perceive reality, then it also possesses the power to hide or distort reality. Language can truly put a filter on the way we see the world. It’s up to us to not depend solely on what people tell us about the world and to get out and formulate our own conclusions based on our unique experiences.
Simulacra of Dream
- The 1st Stage of Simulacra is a Profound Reality where the copy is a faithful representation:
- In Old English dream signified a science and art. Dream meant music and joy. Mid evil time scholars believed that by finding the roots and meanings of words they could learn about the true nature of reality. An earlier use of the word dream also meant noise, but it is now being revealed to be so much more than a meaningless sound. In fact, it may even have special effects on our level of consciousness.
- The 2nd Stage of Simulacra is The Mask & Denature of a Profound Reality where the copy is altered to be unfaithful:
- Dream is converted into American English to mean emotions, thoughts, intuitions and sensations occurring in the mind while asleep
- The 3rd Stage of Simulacra is To Mask The Absence of a Profound Reality where we pretend there is an original:
- It is used in a different way than it was originally created. Various opposing connotation derive such as fantasy, unreality and delusion. After early mid English the dream that meant music faded out of use. Despite being identical in spelling no studies had been able to prove or disprove that Old English dream is the source of Modern English dream.
- The 4th Stage of Simulacra is The Order of Simulation/Pure Simulacrum where the copy is all that exists and the fake produces the real:
- When the sign has taken priority over what it signifies the true power of dream to reference reality is concealed. Instead of taking a scientific or artistic approach we think of our dreams as unrealistic. Dream went from depicting something we create to depicting something involuntary. In this way, reality is altered into a false state. Language is used to restructure our perception. Reality is a dream, but when dream becomes associated with sleep we become unconscious of our dreams aka emotions, thoughts, intuitions and sensations. In the end, we surrender our power and instead of art imitating life, life imitates art.
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The True Nature of Reality. . .
We create our reality from the same part of the mind that conjures dreams. Reality is a dream because it projects back to us our subconscious emotions, thoughts, intuitions and sensations. In this way, even when we are awake we have sleep vision, the ability to see the contents of our unconscious.
How ironic is it that the word dream originated to mean music and now today’s Popular Music mimics the process of manifesting our dreams? Essentially, I believe that the universe is inviting us as a collective to reframe how we think of our dreams, so that we may truly experience the true nature of reality.