The Secret Art & Anatomy of Soul, PLUS The Holistic Thinking Manifestation Process (4 Steps TESTED & PROVEN)

Soul is our inner G, inner God, inner Goddess, the divine within us all or the secret parts of us that were made in the image of God Goddess. Popular Music’s Verse, Chorus, Bridge [VCB] form is a simulation of Soul: Voice, Consciousness, Body form. Soul is the creator of our reality. Why? . . . Voice speaks things into existence, Consciousness because what we focus on grows and the Body through physical labor.
Akila Ayinde’
Voice, Consciousness and Body are the creators in the manifestation process

Popular Music’s VCB form is a song structure that has dominated mainstream music since the 1970s because it secretly contains The Art & Anatomy of Soul. The mnemonic I use to remember the analogy between VCB song form and the anatomy of Soul is: Intro:Intent, Chorus:Consciousness, Verse:Voice and Bridge:Body.

Each part of the song subliminally triggers a function within Soul. An intent is emotionally charged, the conscious mind is the thinking mind, intuition is also known as the inner voice and the body has five senses. Emotion, thought, intuition and sensation are the four functions of Soul which overall helps us connect to our intentions.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not only our thoughts that create our reality. . .

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Who Am I?

My name is Akila Ayinde’. I am a Holistic Thinking Coach, Spiritual Artist & Clairvoyant.

After using the Ask & You Shall Receive Prayer to discover the manifestation process I began to receive messages via images and knowings.

At the time, I was an aspiring music artist studying the Law of Attraction in order to increase my chances of success, until one day I had an inkling that music could teach me how to manifest.

That’s when I discovered that Popular Music’s VCB form is a simulation of Soul.

The Dream Music Trinity is a symbol that appeared in my minds eye following the Ask & You Shall Receive Prayer. It is a Sacred Geometrical Model of Soul.

Using Sacred Geometry, in a successive flow, it symbolically draws the analogy between song & Soul plus, music and manifesting. Another way to look at it is, the G clef music note inside of the trinity symbol represents our Inner G aka Soul.

Taking everything into account, I use modeling & simulation [M&S] to teach The Art & Anatomy of Soul, which includes Holistic Thinking manifestation.

Philosophy of Holistic Thinking

Holistic Thinking manifestation works because the Soul is a system. That’s to say, the Soul is made up of a group of parts that work together to achieve a single goal. If we are creators and Voice, Consciousness, Body [VCB] form creates our reality, then we must give our attention to the whole, not just an individual part.

By thinking of ourselves as a Soul and Soul as a system, we become Holistic Thinkers. Holistic Thinking grounds our Soul in its power and can be achieved by disciplining the mind to examine VCB form according to these key factors:

  • What is the overall common goal of the system?
  • What role does each part play in the system?
  • How do the parts interact with each other?

Feedback Loops: How to Master The Manifestation Process (CHEAT CODE)

Feedback Loops are the  key to understanding the manifestation process

The Number One Rule of Modeling is if you can figure out a systems feedback loops, then you can master the system. Feedback loops are system structures that support self regulating processes which aim to create harmony between two states.

What other manifestation processes don’t tell you is that the Soul is a feedback loop. Our Soul’s urge is to create harmony between our inner and outer worlds, which is why we are always manifesting.

Ecosystems maintain equilibrium between its organisms and the environment through feedback loops. From body temperature, to pregnancy and blood pressure levels, the body maintains homeostasis between its internal and external environment through feedback loops. Even your smart thermostat uses feedback loops to keep your home in a desired state. Feedback loops are an intrinsic part of every system, even systems that exist within systems.

There are two types of feedback loops: a positive feedback loop and a negative feedback loop. Both loops contain 4 -5 primary roles:

  • stimulus- a change that moves the variable out of its set state and normal range
  • variable- whatever is being controlled within the system
  • receptor- monitors for changes in the value of the variable and signals to the control center
  • control center- compares variable to set value, determines response and signals the effector
  • effector- performs desired response to either continue or change the value of the variable

It is called a feedback loop because feedback flows in a circular nature starting and ending at the set point aka desired state. A negative feedback loop opposes change in order to maintain harmony with its set state. Negative feedback loops are also called Balancing or Goal seeking loops. A positive feedback loop reinforces change pushing the system out of harmony with its set state in order to change its desired value. Positive feedback loops are also called Reinforcing loops.

Learn more about Feedback Loops. . .

How long does the manifestation process take?

The subconscious assumes that our set state is our desired state. Our spiritual journey’s begin the moment we realize our true value as oppose to our assigned value. Throughout the manifestation process the Soul is correcting imbalances between our dreams and reality, alongside deviations from our heart’s desire. The gestation period is a matter of realization, alignment and integration. Time is probably the biggest distraction and misconception about how long it takes to manifest. Especially seeing as we are always attracting or repelling what we want and don’t want.


The Art & Anatomy of Soul: Map & Legend

The Art & Anatomy of Soul is designed to provide a full understanding of who we are and how the manifestation process works in turn.

  • Sacred Geometrical Model of Soul = the Dream Music Trinity symbol
  • Simulation of Soul = Popular Music’s VCB form, instrumental, verse, chorus and bridge
  • Anatomy of Soul = an intent for its being, voice, consciousness and body
  • Dream Music analogy = intro:intent, chorus:consciousness, verse:voice and bridge:body
  • Expressions of Soul = emotion, thought, intuition and sensation
  • Correlating Elements = fire, air, water, earth
  • Locales of Consciousness = pure consciousness, subconsciousness, background consciousness and extended consciousness
  • States of Consciousness = personal unconsciousness, collective consciousness, collective unconsciousness and personal consciousness

Analyzing Soul & The Manifestation Process Using M&S. . .

The functions, elements, locales and states of consciousness in the manifestation process


The first step in the manifestation process is to set your intent.

We can study the instrumental to learn the first step in the manifestation process, how to perform the step, and what part of Soul is responsible here. The first mnemonic is symbolized by the point. In Sacred Geometry the point represents the beginning of all things.

  • The Instrumental begins every song | The first step in the manifestation process is to set our intent
  • The instrumental sets the tone for the music | Our intents set the tone for our manifestations
  • The role of the instrumental is to evoke an emotion | Our intents are emotionally charged
  • The instrumental is made up of a 3 in 1 beat pattern; verse, chorus, and bridge | Our intents are established by our voice, consciousness and body (what you say, what you hear, what you see, what you do and what is done unto you.)
  • The instrumental is a repetitive beat pattern | Our intents are habitual behavioral patterns
  • The instrumental underlies the song | Our intents are located within our subconscious mind (below the conscious mind)
  • Even though a good beat can make the entire song most of the time we are unaware of who produces the instrumental | We are unaware of what lies beneath the threshold of consciousness even though it produces up to 90% of our reality
  • The instrumental is the blueprint for the artist. It tells the artist where to record the chorus and verse | Our intents are the blueprints for our lives. They direct our subconscious


subconscious, set point, desired state, personal unconsciousness, emotion, fire, burning passion, hearts desire, belief, memory, stimulus, output, input, soul urge, values, divine spark, intent, dream, plan, blue print, non physical, internal, feminine energy, feedback

Emotion: Intents are emotionally charged, Habits are formed through emotional attachment, Beliefs are based on emotion not fact and we remember things by how they made us feel, not how they actually happened. Intentions, Habits, Beliefs and memories are the contents of the subconscious mind.

Fire: Emotion correlates to the element of fire because it is our heart’s desire and burning passions that puts energy in motion. Our divine spark is the intent for our being. Fire can be used to tune our emotions. Exercise (burning calories) has been proven to put us in a better mood. Fire is also used to set the mood through candles and lightening.

Subconsciousness: Sub (below) consciousness (awareness). The subconscious mind is made up of our intents, beliefs and memories. They are programmed through frequency and intensity. The purpose of the subconscious is to establish a basis for reality that ignites energy in motion.

Personal Unconsciousness: Contents of the subconscious are ideas and thoughts we have personalized. They are the things we believe makes us unique. This is feminine energy (unconsciousness); It brings internal focus to our being.


Feedback Loop: Emotion is the stimulus that causes changes in the way we think. A good emotion signals we are in harmony with who we are. A bad emotion signals we are out of harmony with who we are. Our train of thought is our emotional tracker. An amplified thought or intense emotion becomes a belief and belief creates our reality. Also, a belief is an idea we take personal which creates an emotional tie.

Tips: Since belief is based on emotion and not fact before we can reprogram our subconscious to recreate our reality we must release the emotional attachment to our current pattern. The energy in motion or emotion has to be uncharged. When we detach or cut the umbilical chord that is nourishing and maintaining our current habits, then we can build new emotional connections to anchor us in our new reality. To set a new intent identify the value in achieving your goal and practice the emotion of what you desire.



The second step in the manifestation process is awareness and focus.

We can examine the Chorus to learn the second step in the manifestation process, how to perform it and what part of Soul is responsible here. This mnemonic correlates to the center Vesica Piscis because Consciousness is the core of our being. The center Vesica Piscis is also the highest and draws the most attention. Consciousness bears the power of magnetism and is our higher selves or who we are at our highest vibration. In Sacred Geometry, the Vesica Piscis represents the womb of creation.

  • The Chorus is the part of the song we focus on most | Consciousness is our focus
  • The Chorus is also known as the Hook because it hooks our attention| Consciousness is attention and it anchors us to our reality
  • The Chorus is the part of the song we are most aware of | Consciousness is awareness
  • The Chorus is the part of the song where we all join in | Consciousness is what links us all together
  • The Chorus is the repetitive part of the song. It doesn’t change. | Consciousness is the part of us that is the same in everyone. It’s also our true essence, the part of ourselves we always come back to
  • The Chorus is in the middle of the song | Consciousness is the center of who we are, consciousness is centeredness


pure consciousness, thought, air, variable, sensor, receptor, presence, present state, collective consciousness, objective reality, observer, knowing, natural law, imagination, ego

Thought: The conscious mind is the thinking mind. There are two types of thoughts; imaginings and memories. Our ideas are an expression of pure consciousness, a field of pure potentiality. Our thoughts reflect our level of awareness of this field and what we have chosen to explore within it. Consciousness=Awareness and Thought=Focus. Both are forms of attention, but awareness is a broad knowingness of ourselves and the world around us, while focus is a single point of interest within ourselves and the world. Awareness is open mindedness, focus is tunnel vision. Awareness is focus without an emotional attachment to anchor it. Think: radio vs station, book vs page. One feels like you are in a big open space while the other feels like you are in a zone.

Air: Thought correlates to the Air element. Thought is free flowing and ever changing like a breeze. Air can be used to tune our consciousness. Fresh air allows us to unblock our thoughts. Meditating while focusing on our breathing increases consciousness and creative thought (imagination). Air (thought) feeds fire (emotion) and air is affected by heat. Air determines the direction of the water (intuition) and air fills all empty space within and around the earth (body) allowing it to flow in and out of form. Air is compressible; the ego is a compressed version of pure consciousness. Air also holds water; embodied in every thought is a sixth sense about that thought which allows us to perceive where the thought will direct us.

Pure Consciousness: Pure consciousness is still air. It’s tranquil and silent. It is the purest part of every Soul. When we become like air meaning we are clear on who we are and can be transparent we experience more pure consciousness. It’s who we are in our simplest form, just an awareness, though over time awareness becomes attached to different beliefs, ideas and experiences that create our individuality. The purpose of pure consciousness is to maintain harmony throughout change.

Collective Consciousness: The things that we agree to despite how we feel for example; social norms, collective agreements, social constructs and the status quo. Also, the things that exist despite how we feel for example; the 7 universal laws that govern everything in nature. Imagination is putting an image to a feeling, which brings external existence to our being. The 7 universal laws animate our ideas into external existence. Collective consciousness is a knowingness that provides structure. It’s shared and masculine in energy.


Feedback Loop: We regulate our thoughts in order to draw upon select experiences within the field of pure potentiality. Therefore, thought is the variable being controlled. Consciousness is the sensor or receptor responsible for monitoring and detecting changes within the system and reporting data to the control center. In order for each element to function properly and execute their task the system must be in harmony. The purpose of pure consciousness (the witness) is to maintain harmony throughout change. Too much stress can interfere, distort or delay the necessary communication between each element.

Tips: Eckhart Tolle refers to pure consciousness when he talks about practicing presence, the power of now and being the observer of our thoughts, which are all suggestions to increase conscious awareness. Awareness is focus without an emotional attachment. As important as it is to focus on our goals so that we may continue to live in our purpose, it’s also important that we remain open minded allowing ourselves to be guided by the universe. By being aware, we can allow for greater opportunities to come better than we ever imagined.



The third step in the manifestation process is to speak it into existence and follow your intuition.

We can examine the verse to learn the third step in the manifestation process, how to perform the step and what part of Soul is responsible here. This mnemonic is marked by the right winged Vesica Piscis because intuition is right brained internally focused.

  • A song has up to 3 verses. In the manifestation process requires 3 voices; the outer voice to speak things into existence, the inner voice to follow our intuition and if the third verse in a song is typically a feature then our third voice is a friend or family for positive reinforcement and support
  • The Verse contains background information to support the Chorus | Intuition is knowing something without proof or background information that is not in the foreground
  • The Verse is longer than the Chorus | The Conscious mind is only able to process a limited amount of information, which is why intuitively we are aware of more than we can consciously perceive
  • The Verse expands on and from the Chorus. The Chorus being the main point of the song | Intuition works by expanding us in the direction of what we are focusing on i.e., what we focus on grows


background, meta, back, rest, pause, behind, gap, intuition, water, integrator, controller, cellular memory

Intuition: Intuition is also known as the inner voice, internal voice, voice of Soul or voice of truth. This voice serves to connect us to our intents and guides us toward harmony with our Souls urge. It’s a soft, gentle voice amidst mind chatter, noise (meaningless sound) and outside critics.

Water: Voice correlates to the water element. Our bodies are made up of over 75% water. Cymatics shows us that water is impressionable to vibrations especially that of the voice. Affirmations can be used to tune the body. Water is used on an ancestor altar to channel spirits. Working with or honoring our ancestors increases our intuition. Water relaxes us and relaxation heightens our intuition.

Background Consciousness: Intuition is an awareness of things in the background or things that are not present in the foreground. It is the voice in the back of our head, the information behind everything we see and is accessed when we fall back aka relax. It comes from our ancestral background or DNA. It allows us to refer back so that we can go forward and is the gateway back to pure consciousness, who we are in our simplest form. The purpose of background consciousness is to allow us to pass on and draw in information we may need to survive or spiritually evolve.

Collective Unconsciousness: Intuition is a web of innate intelligence. It allows communication without forming sound. It is a method of communication beneath the threshold of consciousness. Considering DNA is our genomic cells which have cellular memory, intuition is the ability to communicate with our DNA. Since all humans have a common ancestor and 99.9% of all human DNA is the same we all share access to ancient information we carry within us. This inner knowingness is feminine (internal) energy that we all share.


Feedback Loop: the control center is also known as the integrator. We follow our intuition, hence we relinquish control to our inner voices. The control center is responsible for integrating the current state and the desired state.

Tips: The gap between our thoughts is our intuition. The void that we feel is the difference between our desired state and our current state. In astrology, Lilith represents our shadow self and is calculated based on a void that exists between the earth and the dark side of the moon. Enter into the unknown, follow your intuition through all of the empty spaces, speak healing unto the parts of you that have been hurt and speak life unto all of the parts of you that you’ve buried out of shame.

The key to manifestation is learning how to become whole by integrating our shadow. Even if we don’t realize it, the idea is that the amount of energy we are exerting to repress parts of ourselves is keeping us out of flow and that the fear of showing up as we really are is assigning us an undesirable value that is being reflected back to us in our physical reality. The second step in the manifestation process emphasis details such as finding or creating the right reinforcements.



The forth step in the manifestation process is the paradigm shift, take aligned action!

We can examine the bridge of a song to learn about the fourth and final step in the manifestation process, how to perform this step and what part of Soul is engaged here. This mnemonic is represented by the left winged Vesica Piscis because the left brain is action oriented, externally focused.

  • The Bridge is also known as the break | This is the big break | The Body creates the illusion of separateness
  • The Bridge is an extension from VC form | Our external reality extends or projects from our internal reality | The Body prolongs life
  • The Bridge gives us a break from repetition | Our physical reality is our personal consciousness | The Body is our unique identity
  • The Bridge is a shift in the song, typically the beat | This is the Paradigm shift | The Body moves or takes aligned action
  • The Bridge returns to the Chorus | Our physical reality provides feedback to our non physical reality (emotions & thoughts) | The Body returns to Pure Consciousness


shift, action, body, earth, physical reality, external reality, paradigm shift, dreams into reality

Sensation: The body has five senses; see, hear, touch, taste, smell. Our physical senses provide us with feedback about the outside world. We take in information regarding the world through our senses. The body through our senses gives us input in response to our inner world.

Earth: The element that correlates to the body is Earth. We can use the earth to get into tune with our body, tune our body and heighten our senses. Spending time in nature, eating natural organic foods from the earth help strengthen our connection to our body, while grounding exercises help strengthen the body’s connection to the earth resulting in less stress and dis ease.

Extended Consciousness: Belief manifests into physical form. That’s why it’s important for us to believe in our dreams. Everything in our outer world is of, from or like the creator [subconsciousness]. Therefore, our outer world is a projection or extension of our inner world. Natural order or divine order is creating from the inside out. Our physical realty is an attachment of consciousness. It symbolic of our inner world.

Personal Consciousness: Our physical uniqueness that brings external existence to our being. From the physical appearance of our body to our personal possessions that make up our external environment. Personal consciousness is the material realm, which we are all separated by worldly things such as social class, race and culture.


Feedback Loop: The body follows intuition in to action. In a feedback loop, the role of the effector is to perform an action given by the control center. The action will loop back around to either reinforce or cancel the stimulus (which ever is desired).

Tips: Intuition is our gps system, while the body is the vehicle we use to drive us toward our destiny. All of physical reality is a body of consciousness or embodies consciousness. The illusion of control is that the effector is actually being instructed by intuition in the manifestation process. Listen to your Soul’s voice and take actions that are in harmony with your heart’s desire.


What Simulations Teach Us About Manifesting

You probably already know that a simulation is a copy of a system or process used for studying or training, but did you know that Jean Baudrillard proposed a different perspective on simulations? He said that a simulation is a reconstruction of reality, made up of copies that imitate copies instead of an original? Baudrillard believed that is was due to the inability of consciousness to distinguish between reality and a representation of reality.

This is because simulations are made up of symbols that represent the different elements and functions within a system. The subconscious mind is the emotional mind, it speaks in symbols, cannot tell the difference between what is real or what is imaginary and creates up to 95% of our reality. Therefore, simulations possess the potential to bypass the logical mind and recreate our reality by reprogramming the subconscious.

Restructuring reality by use of copies is the key to manifesting. Through our imagination we can simulate events in our past for inner healing by integrating things (oftentimes role models) we wish we had. In the present moment we can simulate a future according to our own design. In this manner, we create a copy of ourselves that will replace our original programming. Voice, Consciousness, Body form is the ultimate truth of how we create our own reality, but so many of us have been programmed to live according to the same predesign that we mistake it for absolute truth. We are pure consciousness, pure potentiality channeling our versions of reality through VCB form.

Learn more on Simulations . . .

Raising Awareness of

The Secret Art & Anatomy of Soul

My purpose is to Raise Awareness of The Art & Anatomy of Soul, which includes Holistic Thinking manifestation. I believe self knowledge is the highest learning. Also, that a holistic perspective of who we are which embraces us being more than our body is what we need to move the planet toward universal love and. . . so boldly I’ll say, peace.

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4 thoughts on “The Secret Art & Anatomy of Soul, PLUS The Holistic Thinking Manifestation Process (4 Steps TESTED & PROVEN)”

  1. Wow! Nice blog. It’s about the soul essence and manifestation. This blog reveals truths about manifestation. -King Lit

  2. This is so inspiring. I am leaning into my own manifestation journey and look forward to connecting more with you!

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